Zonqor Point is located on the north side of the entrance to Marsaskala Bay. The main attraction of this spot are three wrecks. Two tugboats St. Michael & Tug 10 and a patrolboat P-33. Wrecks lie close to each other at the depth of 22 m close to the middle of the estuary of the bay. Bothe were scuttled as attractions for divers they had been cleaned, all doors & windows had been removed so they are safe to dive. The spot is marked with a big yellow surface marker buoy so training buoy can be attached to it with a surface line
Suitable for
Beginners to intermediate
Wreck diving, deep diving
Kiosk & WC at Zonqor point, restaurants in Marsaskala
Marsaskala bay is a natural harbor and we need to pay an extra attention to the boat traffic and the "diver bellow" flag is absolutely necessary. Also the visibility is not as good as at other dive sites.